Wah2..kali nih ros nak join Lucky Draw ni pulak..yg mana ianya atas jemputan dari Mieza ya..http://nurmieza80.blogspot.com/
Tq ya...so..kalau kawan2 nak join silalh ke blog http://naufalnnureen.blogspot.com..
dan dcni juga k ros nak tag la 2 org rakan2 blogger k ros yg k ros rs dorang ni memang minat tentang contest2 nih ya..jeng2..
1 - http://annazanariah.blogspot.com/
2- http://tomatogurlslife.blogspot.com/
5 ulasan:
thanks kak ros..cik tom lum join contest ni..hihi..insyaAllah..nati join..
yang pasal order cik tom tue xpe2..xyah rush..cik tom boleh tunggu..lagipun tengah mood diet gak ni..hehe..
salam.. ok kak ros.. anna amik ye. dah lama tak join contest.. hehe. thanks..
to anna..tqvm ya dear..
to c tom..t kasih sgt2..sb very understanding..;)nanti siap k ros roger2 k..he2..join tau contest tu jgn tak join..;)
TQ sudi join
to ct..tq ya..
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